Theresa Alexander Inman is an experienced and accomplished parent coach with expertise as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist.
Theresa’s passion for making a difference in the lives of children and families shines through in her work and her expertise in behavior analysis and infant-toddler development makes her an invaluable resource for those looking to promote healthy development and improve communication skills in young children.
💥 Discover why early intervention is key and why it's essential to trust your instincts as a parent.
💥 The importance of creating a nurturing environment from birth to three years, where children can develop vital skills, especially in communication. She introduces the CDC developmental milestones and offers actionable recommendations to seamlessly incorporate them into your daily routine. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html
💥 Learn about engaging educational tools like the Carrots and Cake app, designed to promote educational and healthy screen time habits. What's the "Wait Until 8th" movement and the significance of limiting technology use.
💥 Explore the subtle cues that can reveal your child's progress and potential challenges. Shared attention, reaching out, and laughter are indicators of linguistic development.
💥 Embrace your child's interests and play styles.
💥 Discover practical strategies for helping children with focus so they can thrive. Understanding their interests and observing their play can be instrumental ... acceptance, patience, and mirroring positive energy.
💥 How well-intentioned assistance can sometimes hinder a child's growth. Learn about the power of allowing children to struggle, problem-solve, and build resiliency.
💥 What's the difference between "helping" and "doing" and encourages parents to empower their children to ask for help or tackle tasks on their own.
💥 Self-care is presented as a selfless act, and techniques like EFT tapping are discussed.
Theresa offers free ebook, insightful articles, engaging TikTok content and her course, "Breakthrough Parenting Solutions."
Theresa Alexander Inman is an experienced and accomplished parent coach with expertise as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and Infant Toddler Developmental Specialist.
Theresa’s passion for making a difference in the lives of children and families shines through in her work and her expertise in behavior analysis and infant-toddler development makes her an invaluable resource for those looking to promote healthy development and improve communication skills in young children.
💥 Discover why early intervention is key and why it's essential to trust your instincts as a parent.
💥 The importance of creating a nurturing environment from birth to three years, where children can develop vital skills, especially in communication. She introduces the CDC developmental milestones and offers actionable recommendations to seamlessly incorporate them into your daily routine. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html
💥 Learn about engaging educational tools like the Carrots and Cake app, designed to promote educational and healthy screen time habits. What's the "Wait Until 8th" movement and the significance of limiting technology use.
💥 Explore the subtle cues that can reveal your child's progress and potential challenges. Shared attention, reaching out, and laughter are indicators of linguistic development.
💥 Embrace your child's interests and play styles.
💥 Discover practical strategies for helping children with focus so they can thrive. Understanding their interests and observing their play can be instrumental ... acceptance, patience, and mirroring positive energy.
💥 How well-intentioned assistance can sometimes hinder a child's growth. Learn about the power of allowing children to struggle, problem-solve, and build resiliency.
💥 What's the difference between "helping" and "doing" and encourages parents to empower their children to ask for help or tackle tasks on their own.
💥 Self-care is presented as a selfless act, and techniques like EFT tapping are discussed.
Theresa offers free ebook, insightful articles, engaging TikTok content and her course, "Breakthrough Parenting Solutions."
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