Research and Information Resources

Lynn has compiled research and information from game-changing leaders in the field of children and youth’s emotional well-being. She invites you to contact her with suggestions to add!


Through collaborations over time as an entrepreneur, Lynn sometimes shares resources. These are people/businesses that the team has worked with and share beliefs that align with Lynn McLaughlin Inc.

For full disclosure, although there is no additional cost to you, many of these links are “affiliate" which means Lynn earns a small commission should you make a choice to purchase a product or service after looking into the business.


…where defeated parents find validation, support + proven techniques to parent their strong-willed kids with composure, connection, confidence + cooperation. Extend your patience, improve your child’s behaviour, stabilize your well-being, strengthen your relationship, cultivate a peaceful home and feel like you know what you’re doing!

Meet Danielle as she helps us understand why kids have big emotions and what we can do to support them.

💥Do you have a strong-willed child?
💥 How can you tell?
💥 What are some of the traits?
💥 What is your child trying to tell you?

💥 What strategies and techniques can we adopt as parents?
💥 What do children need today and what are the roots to the development of their well-being?

💥 How do we be proactive and get ahead of the big emotions in a healthy way?



Meet Sara as she shares how we support our children through crises.

💥 How can we support each other with empathy in these times?
💥 Little people know when something is wrong. What happens if we don't talk to them about it?
💥 What resources are available and appropriate for children and families to open communication?
💥 If it's a big deal from their perspective, how do we teach problem-solving skills and build resilience?
💥 The power of admitting it when we make mistakes as adults.

At Mighty + Bright, we create structure around some of the hardest parts of parenting.

We work with experts, taking their advice and making it actionable — so you don't have to read a thick stack of parenting books and figure out your own plan.



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