Have You Considered Gifting an Inscribed Book For the Holidays? It's Easier Than You Might Think!
With the holiday season upon us, it’s the perfect time of year to gift a book to a friend, family member or colleague. As an author, I’m thrilled to offer inscribed copies of both of my published books. Jackson is a #1 Amazon Best-Seller and Steering Through It is a multiple award-winner!
If you would prefer to gift an audiobook or ebook, it’s easy to do! Go to Amazon.ca (or the country you live in) and find the book. Click “give as a gift”. You can choose to e-mail the e-book with a future delivery date, or print out a voucher (which you might love to place in a holiday greeting card.
With the holiday season upon us, it’s the perfect time of year to gift a book to a friend, family member or colleague. As an author, I’m thrilled to offer inscribed copies of both of my published books. Jackson is a #1 Amazon Best-Seller and Steering Through It is a multiple award-winner!
You are invited to place your order and I’ll be happy to ship the book (books) directly to you. If you prefer ebook or audiobook formats, please jump to the bottom of this blog post.
“With unwavering empathy, Jackson is a bold and unforgettable story of a family navigating through the terrifying waters of mental illness. While there is no simple fix with a kiss to the forehead, will Jackson learn to hear the chatter in his head and know what to do about it? Will love and hope prevail?“An important book for anyone going through challenging times with a teenager.”
“A must-read, especially for parents, teachers, and social workers.”
“I have been on both sides of this story so it really resonated with me. I have no doubt that there are many people who might recognize at least some part of themselves in Jackson or his parents or even his friends.”
“A life-threatening illness crushes the world around you and around those you love. How do we cope with diagnosis physically, emotionally, and spiritually? How do we move on? What are the most helpful ways to support others in crisis? In the end, what does it all mean?“
“A beautiful memoir that will make you want to laugh and cry. Very well written – I read it all at once, couldn’t put it down. Highly recommend EVERYONE read this book!” … “I found a tremendous amount of hope and inspiration in the author’s voice, and admire the author’s instinct to blend the narrative with inner thought. Well done."
"I could really picture myself in her shoes and it was riveting and brought me to tears. She and her family handled what happened next with humanness and grace.”
BONUS - TEN inscribed paperbacks of Jackson are also being given away on Goodreads.
Enter here to win!
Both books are also available in ebook and audiobook formats. See below!
If you would prefer to gift an audiobook or ebook, it’s easy to do! Go to Amazon.ca (or the country you live in) and find the book. Click “give as a gift”. You can choose to e-mail the e-book with a future delivery date, or print out a voucher (which you might love to place in a holiday greeting card. Here are the links:
Jackson… Demons and Desperation/Love and Hope
All the best of health and happiness to you and yours!
How Are You Today?
When is the last time you openly discussed your own mental health and wellness with friends or family members? As a parent, can we speak honestly about our fears when one of our own children is struggling? Can we comfortably talk about it ourselves if we are the ones in crisis?
“I’m fine thanks,” or “Couldn’t be better” are typical answers to the age-old question. But how do we respond if we are in fact, nearing the ledge? We don’t want to burden our family and friends after all. They have enough going on in their own lives, don’t they? Perhaps we are embarrassed and don’t want anyone else to know. Maybe we’re worried we’ll be judged by others or we aren’t aware of the wealth of resources at our fingertips, many of which are outside of traditional counselling and therapy.
How do we respond, if we are in fact, nearing the ledge?
Published in the Kingsville Neighbourhood Magazine, June 2021
When is the last time you openly discussed your own mental health and wellness with friends or family members? As a parent, can we speak honestly about our fears when one of our own children is struggling? Can we comfortably talk about it ourselves if we are the ones in crisis?
“I’m fine thanks,” or “Couldn’t be better” are typical answers to the age-old question. But how do we respond if we are in fact, nearing the ledge? We don’t want to burden our family and friends after all. They have enough going on in their own lives, don’t they? Perhaps we are embarrassed and don’t want anyone else to know. Maybe we’re worried we’ll be judged by others or we aren’t aware of the wealth of resources at our fingertips, many of which are outside of traditional counselling and therapy.
When our day-to-day life is negatively impacted because of how we are feeling, those around us are most definitely affected, as much as we may not want to admit it. Can we recognize the signs of those who are struggling, including caregivers?
My most recent book “Jackson” was written after speaking with many people, both those in caregiver roles and struggling themselves. Although fictional, it is a compilation of the real-life experiences of a mother and son as they fight their demons and desperation with love and hope. Generating honest, open, and real conversations, “Jackson” is helping us become comfortable talking about this subject which has been “taboo” for far too long.
Suicide is the second-largest cause of death for our youth between 15 – 24 years of age in Canada. There is a growing movement recommending that we as parents have “The Talk” with our teenagers which includes a purely preventative, science-based, 4-step script. Jackie Simmons (Co-Founder of the Teen Suicide Prevention Society) believes that having “The Talk” just might save our child’s life. Her TEDx speech is empowering.
In a series of surveys conducted by the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (Canada's largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital and a world-leading research centre in this field), one year into the pandemic, “About one in five Canadians reported high levels of mental distress”. If we are not experiencing this ourselves directly, someone we care for likely is or will be.
Why not pick up the phone or visit someone you haven’t checked in with for a while? Start the conversation that may be so desperately needed, for yourself or that individual. It just may be the spark that helps you or someone else take the first step towards a hopeful future.
The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
Lynn’s website with mental health resource links
Have “The Talk” to Stop Teen Suicide TEDx
Why an Audiobook?
Are you one of the millions of people in the world who do not like reading, but love listening? Someone who seeks information, but doesn’t enjoy getting it from a book? Maybe you are one of the growing numbers of people who listen to books anywhere at any time…while driving, cooking, walking, or exercising. One in five of us are now listening to recordings of books.
Are you one of the millions of people in the world who do not like reading, but love listening? Someone who seeks information, but doesn’t enjoy getting it from a book? Maybe you are one of the growing numbers of people who listen to books anywhere at any time…while driving, cooking, walking, or exercising. One in five of us are now listening to recordings of books.
As an author, do you want your book in the hands of as many people as possible? My purpose in writing Jackson is to drive conversations about mental illness, the struggles of families, of love, and hope. If those discussions happen as the results of an audiobook, why not make that available?
If you are listening to audiobooks, you learn to appreciate and seek out the highest quality. Some authors will choose to create or produce the audiobook themselves. I simply don’t have the expertise, equipment, or talent to do so. There are several options and after a great deal of research, I discovered Marnye Young who is a multi-award-winning narrator and recognized by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. Marnye had narrated my first book in 2017 and is now the owner of Audio Sorceress, which has a Canadian branch. Almost immediately, I was screening the narrators for the two main characters of Jackson and June. The choice was exciting and not at all easy, with so much Canadian talent, but Jeremy Thomas Gilmer and Nancy Petersen stepped into the roles and began production. They immediately immerse us into the lives of a mother and son who find themselves wandering through the constantly evolving landscape of acute and chronic mental health. The official release is on the horizon!
Audiobooks continue to increase in popularity with a 16% rise in market sales last year which, “Continues an eight-year trend in double-digit revenue growth”. There are countless reasons for this, and perhaps our busy lifestyle is one of them. Regardless, audiobooks provide a convenient alternative where we can lose ourselves in someone else’s story, perhaps while also exploring a trail, preparing a meal or simply enjoying a pajama day!