Eight Weeks Before Your Book Launch ... There's So Much To Do!

Planning for your book launch actually starts at least three months ahead of time. Some begin six months in advance! Through my own experience, collaboration with other authors, and hundreds of hours of research, I’m sharing proven strategies on how I am preparing for the launch of my next book, “Jackson”. I know it is going to change the lives of many!

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You want a day of celebration like no other. You've been writing for weeks, maybe even years and it’s time to bring your dream to fruition. How will your book find it’s way into the hands of as many readers as possible around the world? It’s your story! It’s time to plan all of the details leading to the day that you have dreamt about.

Planning for your book launch actually starts at least three months ahead of time. Some authors and publishers begin six months in advance! Through my own experience, collaboration with other authors, and hundreds of hours of research, I’m sharing proven strategies on how I am preparing for the launch of my next book, “Jackson” which is very different than what I have written in the past. I know it is going to change the lives of many. It already has!

Writing a book description has a strategy in itself. What do you think of this one? I’d love your input!

Jackson’s battle to take control over his own mind and life portrays what millions of people are fighting with around the world – mental illness. His mother, desperate to free him from his demons and desperation, faces her own turmoil and anguish, doing anything possible to save her son, through love and hope. After countless emotional and heartbreaking moments, June and her son must both accept that only Jackson can save himself.

For the next eight weeks, follow me on my YouTube page for an update every Friday. Each week I have action items, some of them very large and time consuming. Have you chosen your keywords and categories? Is your website ready to go? Who will be on your launch team?

You won’t believe how many ways a book launch can happen, even virtually! I’m exploring any and all options because too many people are struggling to be mentally well, more so than ever during this pandemic. “Jackson” will make a powerful impact on parents, those fighting mental illness themselves and those who are seeking to understand.

There is so much to do I can’t sleep at night!

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