Read "The Power of Thought" books with a child and help them build self-confidence, self-regulation skills and empathy!


Read "The Power of Thought" books with a child and help them build self-confidence, self-regulation skills and empathy! *


The Power of Thought


Imagine children glowing in the colour of how they are feeling! We all have emotions, and that’s OK!


Teach children strategies to be emotional well with The Power of Thought series. Through fun and practical storytelling, children learn to recognize, understand, and express emotions effectively. Developed with experts, this book helps build self-awareness, empathy, confidence, problem solving and social skills. Start empowering your child or students today!


a five book series - each teaching a different proven strategy



Coming Soon!

Who will emerge as the master of emotions?

The Power of Thought Game is about to transform classrooms and family game nights alike!

I Have Choices from the Power of Thought Children’s Book Series provides parents, teachers, child and youth workers and social workers with a visually pleasing story centered on emotional intelligence for the young people in their care.

This book is a thoughtful representation of children learning about and managing their emotions in a variety of typical daily interactions encountered by children. Particularly intriguing is the use of gender-neutral names and characters, who can be related to by any young reader. The creative integration of crystals and their application in daily life is gently introduced using variations of the crystal names in the gender-neutral naming of the characters.

As a social worker who has worked with grade school-aged children in a clinical school setting for many years, this resource would have been appreciated. I highly recommend the use of this story in a children’s therapeutic counselling setting.


Meet Zirco!

Zirco is one of the main characters in our children's book series, “The Power of Thought”. You’ll meet them and their friends Nyx and Carnuli in the first book, “I Have Choices”.

They are all children who live on the imaginary planet of Tezra. Their forms are quite different from humans as they are not identifiable by gender, and they hover rather than walk. What is most unique is that the children cannot hide their emotions because they haven’t learned to control them yet. As beings, when their emotions change, they glow in the colour of how they are feeling.


Tezra is

a Planet

of Crystals!

Like you, every crystal is unique. Some look like simple rocks, and others look like they're from another planet. No matter their appearance, they all make you feel a sense of wonder when you see the way they shine. Working with crystals can help you transform into the most powerful version of yourself by guiding you to see how incredible you truly are.

What crystal do you think Zirco is named after?